Assalamualaikum reader(s),
So, yesterday I updated my online shop @peculiar.preloved on Carousell. I uploaded some new stuffs over there, cepat go check 'em outzzzz guys! Since, I've got nothing to do at home, cus I'm waiting for result Uitm/Upm whether dapat or tak further study sana, so I decided to stay updated on my online shop, at least boleh earn some money aite?
Carousell ni, most of them jual banyak barang preloved, ada yang still in a good condition and ada yang sebaliknya. But, if you are new to Carousell make sure to be careful sebab ramai yang tertipu. I don't really know how, maybe customer tak double check profile seller cus got too excited dengan barang yang nak dibeli or else. So yeah, this is my advice for you. Make sure tengok feedback seller sama, jangan main beli takut nanti tertipu, rugi duit. Ok?
I'm going to share my experience with you guys. So, one day I bought like new Topshop loafers, and I thought the loafers tu still in a good condition, dalam gambar pon cantik, takdak defect langsung and yeah, I had a conversation with the seller, and she/he gave me some pics of the loafers, the seller also said that the loafers tu still macam baru. Then, I trusted the seller and I bought the loafers. But, guess what? Masa loafers tu dah sampai, I got too excited and yeah I checked the loafers whether ada defect or not, then memang takdak, still like new just like the seller said.
BUT SADLY!!!! Bila aku pakai...and that time aku tengah practical kat this office, aku baru perasan yang tapak loafers tu dah lekang, and kulit loafers mengelupas every time aku jalan, and I was like WTH MANNNNN??? Then, I told the seller about my loafers and thank god she/he was so nice to me and immediately refunded my money. Haaaaaaaaaaaa, then I bought something else. Hahahahahahaha. Yes, I'm a shopaholic person (but when I have money la duhhhh)
So, now Imma promote you my online shop..... Jeng jeng jeng...
Let's shopping at @peculiar.preloved. Almost are items turun harga sebab nak clear kan wardrobe and ganti dengan benda baru. Hihihihi. So jomlah visit my Carousell, first come first serve! All items are below RM 50 guys!!! Yes, I'm freaking serious!!
So, benda review atas ni sangat penting for customers and buyers, ada yang elok and ada jugak yang tak elok. Apa yang seronoknya Carousell ni, kita boleh review seller and buyer on their profiles so that semua orang boleh tengok before deal dengan buyer or seller. Alhamdulillah, mine is 100% positive. Yay meeeeee! So, bolehlah datang shopping kat my carousell @peculiar.preloved.
Btw, boleh install Carousell application on your mobile now, senang sikit nak shopping right? So what chu waiting for? Install already maaaa!

Make sure, you guys install Carousell k? Bulatan kuning tu logo Carousell, jangan salah install pulak! Don't forget to follow me! Best sangat guna Carousell ni untuk jual barang, sebab sangat easy tak complicated langsung. Btw, kalau malas nak sign up, boleh ja sign up guna Facebook. Senangkan? Jom shopping at @peculiar.preloved !
Goodbye & Sayonara