Assalamualaikum readers.
Okay, tengah ada mood rajin nak update blog harini. Alhamdulillah, you've changed Mia! Well, a little. Kuikuikui. So today, I just want to share about ZALORA. Have you ever heard about ZALORA? ZALORA is an online retailer that sells apparel, accessories, shoes and beauty products for women and men (source:google)
I've bought so many stuffs from ZALORA. Like shoes, mini pouch and also a bag. And insyaAllah tak lama lagi I will buy more and more and mote stuffs sebab semua barang kat ZALORA cantik- cantik gila and I am definitely sure that all of you akan rambang mata bila tengok the website. Bagi student (especially girls) yang shopaholic like me, mesti sanggup tak makan demi nak shopping kan? No denying the fact! Hahahaha. Am I right girls?
FYI I'm a shoe lover! But sadly I haven't own any DocMart yet. Why? Don't even ask why, because they're so expensive but yeah I will buy those sexy pink high cuts boots so soon! Believe me I will but don't know when because I don't know how to save money, if I have money I will buy something new for myself like shoes or shoes or shoes or even shoes. And you guys, dekat ZALORA pon ada jual DocMart, so sesapa yang minat DocMart and malas walk in boleh lah beli terus dekat ZALORA.
Delivery? Okay, pasal delivery ZALORA guna GDEX so memang cepat and also kena charge RM 5 sahaja. Sometimes, harini kita order barang, esok dah sampai (selalunya) tapi kena tunggu barang kita dah ship ke GDEX jugak kalau lambat, lambat lah sampai barang you guys. But sometimes harini order esok lusa pon tak sampai lagi, benda ni once happened to me, sampai I called ZALORA and they said masalah courier maybe sebab I live in Kedah kot. Tak pernah nampak van GDEX yang hantar barang but nampak lori or kereta ja. Why? Kedah lame sangat ka? Nahhh, I don't care. As long as depa hantar barang, that's just it. Hihihihi
So this is ZALORA...
Click on the picture above to go to ZALORA
And these are the things that I bought from Zalora.

And these are the things that I bought from Zalora.
Ada bermacam- macam benda lagi tau! So rajinkanlah diri usha ZALORA tu, I'm sure hampa semua akan rambang mata. Kuikuikui. Okay, that's all for today! Esok hari terakhir nak seronok- seronok kat rumah sebab lusa kena gerak pi Kuantan dah sebab kena register kan. How I wish KPTM boleh register online.. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Salam & Sayonara.