Assalamualaikum reader(s),
So, my friends (Qila's roommates) and I surprised Qila for her advanced birthday celebration at our college and tak sangka langsung menjadi like seriously! Qila was so surprised, thank god! Sumpah ingat dia macam dapat feel something fishy sebab her roommates and I asyik paksa dia stay college (sebab dia selalu balik rumah on weekend that's why we forced her to stay, we had to!) and we gave so her so many excuses but maybe Qila ni bodo jugak kot sebab tu dia tak dapat agak. Bij, you stupid?
On 17th July, my friends, Qila and I had an exam at the same place/same time, so we planned to surprise Qila after we finish our exams. It was kinda hard at first cus I always had lunch with Qila after we finish our exam so on that day, we had this conversation...
Qila: Kau tak ikut mia?
Me: Aku nak jumpa kawan aku jap, japgi dia ambik.
Qila: Kawan kau yang mana?
Me: Ala kawan kptm aku tu la, yang perempuan tu.
Qila: Bila dia nak sampai?
Me: Japgi lah, korang pegilah makan dulu k. Jumpa kat college nanti.
Qila: Okayyyyy
I swear to god, I was so nervous that time cus I was scared that she would notice something but thank god tak. I was trying so hard tipu dia cakap nak jumpa kawan and so on padahal I was waiting for her roommates to get the hell out of the hall (jawab apa lama sangat taktau depa tu) LOL. Then, at 12 something we went to Section 7, Shah Alam to buy Qila a cake and balloons also we thought of buying her some presents but sadly we didn't have much time as we were rushing cus Qila wanted to go back to KL after she meet us. So sorry Qila, aku tak sempat pulak belikan hadiah untuk kau but for sure nanti next sem aku bagi ok?!
We bought her a SLICE of macadamian cake from Secret Recipe, Hokkaido Cheese Tart and a H and a B balloons (H and B? Happy Birthday la) then we were in a rush back to college to surprise Qila. Bila dah sampai college tu sumpah my friends and I were so blank cus we didn't know how to surprise her but luckily Iqa and I got an idea. Memula, Iqa went to their room and stay there for a while, then aku pun masuk dalam bilik Qila, pretending like baru sampai kolej dari jumpa my friend that I made up a story tu. LOL. Then, bila masuk bilik depa ja, bukak pintu ja...... hmmm ternampaklah badak berendam si Qila tu tengah tidoq, so Iqa and I were like "what are we supposed to do ni" "time nak surprise dia lah, dia tidoq gemok ni" but then, Iqa asked Qila to turun bawah at our college gazebo (tempat nak surprise Qila) to take pictures together then Qila pon bersiap and masa otw gazebo tu, I tried to keep on talking with Qila so that dia terkejut when we surprise her and luckily menjadi!!!!!!! Yayyyyy!!!!

Tadaaaaaa! We also made a big wishes card for Qila (why big? sebab Qila is big, she needs a big card) Please ignore that white hairy panty, that wasn't my idea. I know nothing about it. Ok I lied. Hehehehehehe

Fyi, if you're wondering why we surprised Qila's advance birthday and not on her real birthday (22nd July), well it's because that time sebab semua dah balik rumah since dah start cuti sem so yeah, that's why.
Anyways, thank you to all of you yang sudi nak surprise kan Qila sebelum kita semua start cuti sem. I'm surely going to miss you guys so much cus I know nanti next sem belum tentu dapat lepak macam selalu, sedih pulak bila pikiaq!!! Sayang Qila, Iqa, Nisa, Lya and ShuShu. Hope our friendship last forever. InshaAllah.
To Qila: Aku tak nak kau pindah la bodo. Aku tak sayang kau pun, aku just tak nak kau pindah. Kalau kau pindah aku nak maki kat sapa weh? Aku nak jerit/jerkah kat sapa kalau bukan kau? Kau la tempat aku buat semua tu, so janganlah pindah sakai woi! Takda lah seronok mana pon kawan dengan kau, except that kau baik sangat dengan aku and roommates kau, walaupun luaran kau kasar cam si_l tapi dalaman kau lembut sangat..........macam aku. You once asked me about friendship kan, aku pon taktau lah kita ni kawan sampai bila, doesn't mean that if kita tak contact, kita bermusuhan right? Aku pon tau, kita baru sem 1, we can't expect anything but yeah nama mu sentiasa dalam doaku so InshaAllah. Pray for the best. Thank you so much for the earrings you gave me. I love it! Erkkk, guys I know I might sound like I'm gay but I'm not, I'm straight and I love hot British guys. Ahaks!
Happy 23rd birthday, kak Aqilah Rashid! Adik Mia loves you (muntah hijau kuning pink biru hitam) Have a blast and May Allah bless you! Semoga jumpa jodoh yang baik and cepat kawin and buat anak.............. teheeeee!
Goodbye & Sayonara